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Acta Biochimica Polonica


Advances in Biochemistry

[Polish with TOC in English]


About Polish Biochemical Society


aims to promote and support all aspects of Biochemistry in Poland.

The POLISH BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY has something to offer to everyone interested in molecular and cellular life sciences, including:

  • biochemistry,
  • pathobiochemistry,
  • clinical biochemistry,
  • molecular biology,
  • molecular medicine,
  • biotechnology,

in the context of research and education.

To achieve these aims, the POLISH BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY

    • holds national and international scientific conferences, symposia, meetings, discussions, lectures and workshops, organized by the Society's General Board, Regional Branches and Interest Groups,
    • publishes scientific journals, books and monographs which cover all the aspects of Biochemistry and its applications,
    • maintains close links with related societies in Poland and abroad.

The POLISH BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY is a member of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), the European Federation of Biotechnology ( the Society's Biotechnology Interest Group), the International Bioenergetics Group (IUBMB / IUPAB), and European Society for the Study of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man (European Purine Club).


Ordinary membership, open to anyone  having published  at least one original paper in the field of biochemistry; Emeritus membership,  offered to ordinary member after retirement from full-time employment; Honorary membership, awarded  by  the Society  Plenary Assembly to distinguished scientists.


  • Bioenergetics Group
  • Biotechnology Group
  • Clinical Biochemistry Group
  • Connective Tissue Group
  • Education Group
  • Glycobiology Group
  • Nucleic Acid Group
  • Purines and Pyrimidines Interest Group


  • The Annual Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society, hosted by one of the regional branches of the Society each year (600 - 800 participants). 44th Meeting will take place in Lodz in September 2009.
  • Parnas Conference - Polish-Ukrainian Biochemical Conference dedicated to Jakub Karol Parnas, hosted in turns by the Polish Biochemical Society or Ukrainian Biochemical Society, every second year. Six Conferences were organized so far, in: 1996 (Lviv, Ukraine), 1998 (Gdańsk, Poland), 2000 (Lviv, Ukraine), 2002 (Wrocław, Poland), 2005 (Kyiv, Ukraine) and 2007 (Kraków). The next onference will take place in Jalta (Ukraine) in 2009.


  • J.K.Parnas Prize for the best biochemical research carried out in a Polish laboratory and published a year before the current edition of the competition, awarded every year since 1962;
  • B. Skarżyński Prize for the best review published in "Postępy Biochemii" ("Advances in Biochemistry"), awarded every year since 1962;
  • W. Mozołowski Prize for the  best research presented during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society, by a young scientist (up to 30), awarded every year since 1968;
  • J. Opieńska-Blauth Prize for the best poster  presented by a student (not necessary a member of the Society) during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society, awarded every year since 1994;
  • A. Dmochowski Medal for outstanding achievements in biochemical education including books, textbooks, software, laboratory workshops, teaching  programs, films, etc, awarded every second year since 1996 ;
  • B. Filipowicz Prize for outstanding achievements in the popularization of biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, and related fields in the life sciences, awarded every third year, since 2001.;
  • Annual Prize for the best research in chemistry and biochemistry of nucleic acids accomplished  in Poland and published a year before the current edition of the competition, since 1997.



Are established in 12 university cities of Poland : Białystok, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń, Warszawa and Wrocław.


Acta Biochimica Polonica,  research journal published quarterly since 1954, text and summaries in English, publishes experimental and theoretical papers in all areas of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, indexed in Current Contents, Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica, Medline;
Postępy Biochemii (Advances in Biochemistry), review journal published quarterly since 1953, text in Polish, publishes review papers in all areas of biochemistry, pathobiochemistry, clinical biochemistry and molecular biology;
Monografie Biochemiczne, monographic series, published since 1962, periodically,  text in Polish, No 42 appeared in 1998 ("The role of motor proteins in mitosis");
Letters to the members of the Polish Biochemical Society, the Society's membership bulletin sent directly to all members at least four times a year. It includes the Society, scientific and professional news, information the activities of members, announcements and programs of meetings, symposia, workshops etc.


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